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[Wts] Hitandrun's "for Sale Thread"!


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Oh. That's interesting! What's its capacity? how much are you asking? I can't find it!


TAYLOR-WHARTON 20L LN2 Dewar. I think $400 would be a nice price since the shipping wont be cheap even though this thing is made out of aluminum. 20L Dewar go for as much as $900 new!



if you want it, go for it...we are all friends here...lol


hit, ygpm ;) jp Carl



Didnt get your PM.

Edited by HITandRUN

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I was just messing with Carl (The Smith)


He called first dibs on it. He can take it or leave it...I dont have 400$ that I can spend on it anyways :(


I do still need the mounting hardware for the i7 and the AM2 motherboards for my 2.5" diameter pot you sold me a while ago :)


Just lemme know what info you need from me

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TAYLOR-WHARTON 20L LN2 Dewar. I think $400 would be a nice price since the shipping wont be cheap even though this thing is made out of aluminum. 20L Dewar go for as much as $900 new!

Mmm... Interesting :) Do you mean it's $400 shipped?


Please, I'd like to see a few pics first :)

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Mmm... Interesting :) Do you mean it's $400 shipped?


Please, I'd like to see a few pics first :)



Yes I thought about $400 shipped but I see you are in Canada so WTH knows how much the shipping would be to you. I'll snap some pictures tomorrow and send them to you so you can take a look at it and we go from there. It

Edited by HITandRUN

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Yes I have KingPin's Tek-9 4.0 slim dual sided LN2 pot for sale.



Mmm from the pics I see that a bracket with holes for newer cards can be made pretty easily... for one side of the pot. What about the other side? Can you tell me how it works? From what I see, there is only one set of holes, directly in the pot. Is that right?


Because I am wondering if cooling two single cards at the same time could be achieved. One card would have to be flipped on the other side so PCI-E raisers would be needed. What do you think?

Edited by The Smith

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Mmm from the pics I see that a bracket with holes for newer cards can be made pretty easily... for one side of the pot. What about the other side? Can you tell me how it works? From what I see, there is only one set of holes, directly in the pot. Is that right?


Because I am wondering if cooling two single cards at the same time could be achieved. One card would have to be flipped on the other side so PCI-E raisers would be needed. What do you think?


Yeah this is some idea there. Never thought about it but its for sure doable. Drill and tap and off you go. For the other side with the bracket you can actually get a new bracket from KingPin which fits the more newer cards. I also have a PCI-E riser card if you need one! He He!

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Yeah this is some idea there. Never thought about it but its for sure doable. Drill and tap and off you go. For the other side with the bracket you can actually get a new bracket from KingPin which fits the more newer cards. I also have a PCI-E riser card if you need one! He He!

But can't I drill anywhere? I mean if I drill in the pot and I go through it, it's not good at all!


As for the riser card, I would need something like that:


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