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Should I Lap

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should i lap my quad im @3.4ghz watercooled and my temps are

idle 1.44v core0-36,core1-30,core2-36,core3-29

prime95 load 1.392v core0-55,core1-50,core2-55,core3-49

many thanks in advance

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Seems like there's not enough context here. What made you stop at 3.4? It certainly doesn't look like you're temperature limited to me... So if you're bound by RAM or have just plain hit the "ceiling" for your chip, why risk it? Those temps seem perfectly acceptable to me.


I lapped my Q6600 because I wanted lower temps (temps get high quickly on air). I also thought it would even out core temps (7-9c difference between top and bottom values on all four cores), but that didn't happen. But if I was in your shoes, I'd probably just leave it. If you push higher and you're not happy with temps, maybe rethink it.

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