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- Antec P182 Performance One

- Quad Q6600

- 2 x Asus EN8800GT 512

- Corsair DDR3 2GB PC-10600/1333

- XFX nForce 790i Ultra Motherboard

- Western Digital 320Gb 7200RPM 16Mb SATA 2

- Antec TruePower Trio 650W ATX Power Supply

- Thermaltake Golden Orb II Ultra Silent Cooler


Im new to overclocking and would like to increase my Q6600 to atleast 2.8ghz - 3.0ghz

Im curious if i am to go up to 333x9=3.0ghz if i make it up to 333fsb in small increments,

is there any need to change other bios settings? Or will that be stable?

My friend said that should be the only things i need to change, but I'd prefer some pro advice.

I'll check back later on you're feedback, must work now =)

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You might be stable at 9*333 without changing other BIOS settings. It depends on many factors. But if it is not, it doesn't matter; you can try to make it stable by changing other BIOS settings like your CPU voltage. This can help a lot for stability.


If you're not sure of where to stop, refer to Intel's website to see what's your CPU limits. Be sure to choose the right C2Q in the list because the GO and B3? temperature limit differs a lot.


Edit: Here's the link, but the website is inaccessible for now, don't know why. http://processorfinder.intel.com/List.aspx...c=&OrdCode=

Edited by The Smith

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My Q6600 is the B3

I was hoping i didnt have to change any voltages, say i was making my way up to 333fsb

and it becomes unstable, how much should the voltage be raised by? until i find it at a stable level?

Also do i need to change anything else like pcie settings to 100mhz? or can that and others be left on auto

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From what i've gathered, i should be using the 1:1 ratio?



Q6600 333Mhz 1333QDR 9x 667Mhz =3000Mhz


So My FSB is 333Mhz

I change the QDR to 333x4=1333? If so do i make it to that amount in small increments like the FSB, or set it to that in 1 go?

Multi RAM 2x533=1066? And that there is the limit of my ram correct?


Is there anything else that needs to be changed like the pcie lanes, or the voltages?

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The PCI-E doesn't need to be changed. This is simply for the graphic card, it has nothing to do with your processor's clock.


You'll maybe need to increase the FSB and NB voltage as well to get stable.


As for the freqency, simply forget the quad-pumped 1333 MHz. This number also confused me at the beginning. Say 333Mhz FSB:


So CPU clock = FSB*CPUmultiplier ex1 : 333Mhz*9=3000Mhz ex2:266*9=2400Mhz


RAM frequency = FSB*RAMmultiplier (Use 2 for the 1:1 Ratio, because it's double data rate-->DDR)


Overall = CPU 333Mhz*9 = 3000Mhz RAM 333*2 = 667 Mhz (This is Ratio 1:1)


Finally, your RAM is made for running at 1066 MHz.

1st option: leave it 1:1 and this could allow you to decrease timings because your RAM is underclocked.

2nd option: Make it running at 1066 Mhz. For that, you'll need to increase it's multiplier, because you'll not reach a FSB of 533.


I don't think you'll need to raise your RAM voltage because in both option I explained to you it is either underclocked or stock.


P.S. I still can't access to Intel's website; I get "Server too busy"

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- Ok so i slowly creep my fsb up by 10-15 then 5-10 etc until i reach 333Mhz (multiplier should be x9)


When you say my ram is underclocked, do you mean i should underclock it before upping the fsb?

Or can i leave it at stock, which i am hoping to do..if not

What should the multiplier and fsb be for the ram to achieve the same or close stock speed?

because as you said 2x333=666..do i need to simply change the multiplier to 3 or 4

my ram says 10600/1333, does this mean i can change the multiplier to 4x333=1332

Also, since im using DDR-3, i divide the 1333Mhz by 3? = 444x3=1333 or is 444Mhz not supported?

sorry if i keep repeating anything ;-x

On another Oc website this was posted (The Q6600 is between 0.85

Edited by ProGamingAU

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Ok, for the RAM, go into your BIOS, find the RAMmultiplier(It is probably on auto), and check the values, try to change it without saving and you'll understand.


DDR3 is still a RAMmultiplier of 2 for 1:1, it is the DDR which is important, not the number after. Can someone confirm this ?


667 Mhz is not fast for RAM. It is why I said the other option.


Your RAM is PC 10600, but the important number here is 1333Mhz. Divide by 2 and you get the FSB you need with a RAMmultiplier of 2 to run RAM at 1333Mhz.


But I'll keep this simple. Go see into your BIOS, choose a FSB, and after choose a RAMmultiplier that will multiply your FSB to get as close to the 1333Mhz stock RAM speed.


I know it's hard to understand the first time because there are some numbers which are "quad-pumped", DDR is *2, and the also there's the multipliers etc. but When you'll understand all this stuff you'll see it's pretty easy.

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But for 2.4 to 3 Ghz you'll simply need to increase CPUvoltage because your mobo is made for running at a FSB of 333Mhz, or even 400 I think ?


If you see that your computer does not start or you're not stable, simply increase the voltage until you are.

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