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X2 5000+ Black Edition - Overclock Settings


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I had never overclocked before now and built this set up a little over a year ago. I upgraded from the X2 3800+ to the black edition X2 5000+ because it was so cheap and I wanted a boost in performance. I have had trouble getting the settings right, I get random BSODs mostly referring to Nv4_disp.dll. I have updated all my video drivers to fix this problem...it didn't. I've ran mem-check, but i'm not sure that it's not my memory that's the problem still. They are less frequent since i've upped the voltage to 1.5 but that seems unnecessarily too high. They mostly come after gaming on an intensive game for an hour or so. I'm curious as to what settings people have in their bios (a pic would be best) for this processor and especially if they have the same proc. MB combo as me. Thanks!


Here are my specs.


AM2 X2 5000+ Black Edition @ 3.2 GHz, Mini Typhoon heatsink, XFX 8600 GTS, (2) 320 Gig HD, 2 Gig Reaper Mem ddr2/800, Gigabyte GA-M59SLI-S5 motherboard, 600W Xion Power Supply

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I've had trouble getting an accurate temp reading. I have speed fan on and i have: Temp 1: 26C, Temp 2: -17C (?), Temp 3: 26C, HD0: 39C, HD1: 36C, Core: 12C. I think that Temp 3 is the actually temp of the CPU if i compare it to the BIOS. The GPU from nTune is 66C and in game in Call of Duty 4 doesn't go about 82C. The speed fan temps are with nothing running i haven't checked for awhile but temp 3 doesn't go about 45C when playing games.

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Ok, i just did a test. I had firefox, outlook, aim and nTune running in the background while i played Call of Duty 4...about 15 mins in to the game it did a quick BSOD (that i couldn't read) and rebooted. Makes me wonder about the memory...


Thanks for the replys so far, i hope the information i'm giving is helpful.

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I reset all my settings for the memory in bios to auto and undid the overclock on the proc. and everything runs stable, leading me to believe that my overclocking was causing the reboots. What settings are people having in their bios for this processor. I paid for this to be unlocked and if i can't take advantage of it then it was a waste. Please help.



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you've never overclocked before...

read up on how to overclock...

go up in steps and use stress tests...

even if the CPU was made on the same wafer, same day, it's not identical to another, so one person's settings might not work at all for you...

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You're right, I haven't overclocked before, that's why I got this processor with the unlocked multiplier because I thought it would be easier and simple adjustment and be done with it. I will try go up in steps in the best order that I know of. I have been reading up on it, but am still confused some.


What stress tests do you recommend running?

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HyperPi 1M

HyperPi 32M

3DM06 standard benchmark

OCCT 1 hour test

Crysis (playing for an hour, get the demo if you don't have the game)

Prime95 24 hours

OCCT 24 hours




(more games)


that's what I do... HyperPi 1M is a very fast test so you can see if something is really unstable... the tests get progressively harder up to the 24 hour tests, then the remaining 3DMark benches and more games make sure CPU+3D is also stable :)


you could move the overclock up after testing the red tests until it fails, then move back down a bit, run the orange tests and adjust the oc down until they pass, then the green tests... like, you don't run all tests at each step because it would take a year lol

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Thanks, that reply helps a lot! I have 3dMark06 and prime95 have done some testing with that. I'll try to get the others and work on that.


Another question for you, in my BIOS with memory settings, i have the OCZ reaper memory and it's SLi capable, so the setting that you can overclock the CPU with the memory from 0% to CPUMAX OC. How much does it really matter to have SLi memory? Should I mess with this, or should I just set the memory at what it's capable of and just mess with the CPU?

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