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take data off my broken hard disk


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is it possibe to remove to data off a hard disk when not attached to a laptop/computer, my laptop has come up with a error message saying no hard disk etc but i need the data on the disk all of my work and music etc is on it ?

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Well you have to connect your hardrive to a type of computer to get the data off what other way would you do it?


Is the hardrive completely dead or you just get a message on the screen thats says the hardrive is not connected? It could be something wrong with the computer and there could be nothing wrong with the hardrive.


If the hardrive is competely dead there are companys you can send the hardrive to and they will remove the data for you. But usually you have to pay a lot though.

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Well you have to connect your hardrive to a type of computer to get the data off what other way would you do it?


Is the hardrive completely dead or you just get a message on the screen thats says the hardrive is not connected? It could be something wrong with the computer and there could be nothing wrong with the hardrive.


If the hardrive is competely dead there are companys you can send the hardrive to and they will remove the data for you. But usually you have to pay a lot though.


yer i mean without being in a laptop is there a cabesle of some sort? and yes there is a message on the screen saying about the hard drive not being connected

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I do digital forensics for a living using EnCase, FTK, Paraben, etc.....


If the HD spins, and sounds ok, then you can buy an adapter to connect the HD via USB, just like an external drive. Boot the pc with Helix (www.e-fence.com) (free). Helix is a forensically sound boot disk that uses Linux, and it WILL NOT MOUNT the HD, therefore no writes will be made to it. You can then export the files to a separate HD, thumbdrive, etc.


If it's a hardware failure of the HD, then.......Good Luck!:blink:

To pay for a recovery due to hardware failure is very expensive.

A Hardware failure may be overcome, by replacing the pcb/ logic board on the HD. You MUST have an identicla HD tho (same make/model/firmware version)

if I can be of any help, let me know....GOOD LUCK

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