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Is this CPU Running To Hot?

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3.2 to 3.4 OC Pent D 840

GEforce 8800 GT 768 DDR 3

Asus P5Nd2 SLI


I have been running a 5% FBS jump on my 840 pent D it is running 72-77C on 3d renders CPU maxed out both cores.

64 bit application windows x64, So my processors max out at 199%.


I have Qfan AI on so the PC adjust RPM's to upkeep Temp as well.


Heres is some pics of my system i have a Good CPU Fan and 2 120 MM fans in front and back.


and a side vent fan.


is this safe to run? or should I step it back to factory.


Runs 67-72 full Load on Factory step.


I am upgrading to 650 nforce and ddr2 800 soon.


then upgrading to a Q6600 or 6800 soon.


I plan on using my pent D for awhile seeing that nforce 650 takes both chips.


So I wanted to OC it but is this to high for my chip.

I have read intels specs.


says 69C full Load.


And the pent D seem to run hot from what ive read.








Edited by infamouskiller

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The 8xx dual cores were just ridiculous. Those Pentium Ds (Which are dual cores)draw more energy, and release more heat than the new Core 2 Duo Quads. The 9xx series (65nm die shrink) were much better.


Yes 75c is high (70c is generally the max for those chips), but not uncommon with those 90nm dual cores, and high end 90nm netburst single cores. I'd scale back the OC back to stock and turn on speedstep (Optional, but it does help with power and temps at idle). The OC won't give you that much of a performance boost (less than 200mhz), and I don't think its worth running that hot.

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Ya I will I plan on buying liquid cpu cooler seeing it fits the quad core as well. perhaps I will give this a try then.


My case Is very neat and all the wires are wire tied off and my case is a full atx.


700 W OCZ PS


it should power the Q6600 nicly what is a Q6600 running temps anyone running on with a similar Fan?

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