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small overclock.. Look like an okay start? (screenshots)

Steven T

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This is with the stock HSF and Antec 900 case. I have a Noctua NH-U12F in the mail... any thoughts? I've never overclocked so I feel a little shakey...


There's no way I can do my CPU intense audiowork with these kind of temperatures. So I must be doing something wrong, yah? E6600 at only 2.8 with stock HSF shouldnt run so hot. Goes easily to a steady 50c when working in my music production sequencer (with only 50% cpu usage).


Temps are a little warm, most likely due to stock cooler. For stock, their pretty normal actually. Also, keep in mind that your music software probably only utilizes one core. One core running at 100%, while the second core is at 0% will show in windows as 50% cpu usage. If that is the case, then you have one core running full blast, the other one idle and your temps reflect the one core that is really working.


My e6400 at 3.2, 1.325v, will idle both cores at about 40C. Under load with orthos, with both cores at 100%, I'll hit the mid 50s(usually tops out at 54-55).

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Also, keep in mind that your music software probably only utilizes one core.

some audio software, like Cubase SX, uses SMP... unless my memory is fubared lol


i'd hold off on overclocking until you get the Noctua hs/f... not because it's unsafe to oc on the stock heatsink, it's just a bit pointless imo... all the settings you use for stock cooling you'd probably just do away with when you get a real heatsink... cooler temps mean you can tweak a lot of settings down that you wouldn't be able to on stock cooling

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It was Ableton 6 + latest update I was testing VST loads in...


My main DAW apps utilize dual core. Dunno bout Cubase 4... Haven't used it since SX2. As far as I know every major audio software company is gearing their versions toward dual core. hardnrg, You're probably right about me wasting my time OC'ing b4 my Noctua comes in but i cant help it :) haha. I'm just trying to learn right now. I'll be busy the next couple days so I wont have as much research time.

Edited by Steven T

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Holy crap I just stuck this heatsink on and my idle temperatures easily went down 12c (23)! The highest temp i've seen cpu spike to during load (in orthos) was 44!!! I can't believe the difference this made. :)




vCore @ 1.24 (Stable in orthos)


Well it took a few hours of reading but I think I finally understand this overclocking biz...

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Ain't good heat sinks a wonderful thing!! :D



hell yah, I'm AMAZED! Now its time to go OC to 5Ghz! haha jk.


...Oh yah, 1 more thing. The heatsink I got is practically silent. I barely hear the fan running. Highly recommended.

Edited by Steven T

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Okay, So I'm at 3.3. I'm just below 1.3 vCore. I dont care to go any higher. But I want that 1:1 ratio.


CPU-Z says:

RAM Size : 2048 MB

RAM Freq : 390.6 MHz

RAM Type : DDR2-SDRAM Dual Channel

RAM Ratio : 16:15

RAM Timings : 4-4-4-12


My RAM is running 800. What should I bump it to.

It's Patriot eXtreme ddr2 800 pc2 6400


Will this OC harm my system long term? Or should I turn things down a notch?


BTW, what is stock vCore for e6600?

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