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Children's foreheads slashed


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I like your post Kash except the claim of "blindly following the Bible in spite of scientific evidence." Why can't the Bible on science co-exist? Science has never been able to explain how life came from non-life. I'm definitely a believer of evolution but until science can make life from non-life I'm still going to believe that something else created it. I won't try to define what that thing is but I do believe its there.


Back on topic...I understand why these people are doing this to themselves, they want to try and become closer to Imam Hussein. But I also agree with the rest of you that it shouldn't be done to children who aren't giving their permission(sound like circumcision to anyone?). There are many things that I don't know about their religion but I'm not going to call them "barbarians" because they want to experience something that one of their Saints had to endure.

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I like your post Kash except the claim of "blindly following the Bible in spite of scientific evidence." Why can't the Bible on science co-exist? Science has never been able to explain how life came from non-life. I'm definitely a believer of evolution but until science can make life from non-life I'm still going to believe that something else created it. I won't try to define what that thing is but I do believe its there.


I'm not talking about believing in Creation alongside evolution. I'm talking about those people who ONLY believe in creationism and assert that everything else is wrong. The type of people who when they get cancer, pray instead of seeing a doctor. I know, they're rare, but that's because this country tries harder to educate its people, so we don't really have customs that seem to be out of the stone age. But that fact is also a good sign for other countries to start taking more aggressive stands to spread education. If the worst we can muster is some bible-thumping hicks, that's MUCH better than the type of people who slash open their heads or some other nonsense.


Back on topic...I understand why these people are doing this to themselves, they want to try and become closer to Imam Hussein. But I also agree with the rest of you that it shouldn't be done to children who aren't giving their permission(sound like circumcision to anyone?). There are many things that I don't know about their religion but I'm not going to call them "barbarians" because they want to experience something that one of their Saints had to endure.


Now, your point would make sense if it were actually part of the religion. But the simple fact of the matter is that it is NOT. The HIGHEST religious authority on Shia Islam has declared it to be against their religion as well as SEVERAL scholars of that particular sect. Seriously, the only way you can try and make it clearer is if God himself came down and told these morons to stop, and even then I'm not sure they would. <_<

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you know... i wouldn't see anything wrong with this or branding or like tattooing, as a tradition, if it was for something REALLY REALLY significant... but to me it looks like some dude died and so now some people think it's a good idea to slice foreheads...


if it was like a group of ninjas or something, and like that was one of the rites of passage or something, then yeah, fair enough... but it looks like the forehead slicing reported here is just some loons with a made up ceremony...

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I'm not talking about believing in Creation alongside evolution. I'm talking about those people who ONLY believe in creationism and assert that everything else is wrong. The type of people who when they get cancer, pray instead of seeing a doctor. I know, they're rare, but that's because this country tries harder to educate its people, so we don't really have customs that seem to be out of the stone age. But that fact is also a good sign for other countries to start taking more aggressive stands to spread education. If the worst we can muster is some bible-thumping hicks, that's MUCH better than the type of people who slash open their heads or some other nonsense.

Oh okay, I see your point now. Yea, I definitely agree that some of that type of people are living in the stone age.


Now, your point would make sense if it were actually part of the religion. But the simple fact of the matter is that it is NOT. The HIGHEST religious authority on Shia Islam has declared it to be against their religion as well as SEVERAL scholars of that particular sect. Seriously, the only way you can try and make it clearer is if God himself came down and told these morons to stop, and even then I'm not sure they would. <_<

But the truth is, they are apart of the religion. They may not be a part of the main stream but no one has to be a part of the main stream to be a part of the religion. Maybe they would have to claim that they are a part of a separate but similar religion. If you say that anyone who deviates from the main stream belief of the religion doesn't belong to that religion. Than all people who claim to be Christian would have to say that they don't believe in evolution but we already said that this does not apply.

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