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Resource Hacker(n00by Needs Help)


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Ok...I just started using Resource Hacker and I came across a Error

c:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe is not a valid Win32 application.

Luckly I backed it up...

Im trying to change my start button as of what this guide says http://www.overclockersclub.com/guides/xpstartbutton.php

I did the "%systemroot%\system32\Restore" as it asked made shur that the read-me was unchecked

I removed the explorer.exe "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache" as it asked

I changed the text to whot I wanted "578, "PWNAGE""

I closed the curent explorer.exe

Saved over the explorer.exe

I New Task(Run...) C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe (also tryed explorer.exe)

Then I got the error

I thought it was me so I whent back to the begining and tryed it agian and agian

I looked up on the internet(google) and tryed everything that was sugested (even if it wasent what was rong) and still nothing

I'm stumped and I know its going to be somthing stupid that I missed




System stats are in my sig

Edited by Winkers

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Nice try.... :thumbs-up: I would revert all changes and try again. But that's me. Sounds to me you're not all that mad :unsure: If this holds true then that's a good thing. It just means you are a "good" hacker. Just keep trying until you get it. Happy Hacking!


Oh..BTW it's n00by not 'nubby'. I will change it for ya.

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I didnt need to system repair b/c I backed up the explorer.exe file :closedeyes:

ya im still trying and seem to be getting the same problem if anyone can point me in the right way that would be great

but if not I dont quite so ill work on it till it dose lol

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I think the reason why you are getting the error is because you are trying to save over a file that's in use.

Once you have loaded explorer.exe onto resource hacker make the changes you want and save as another name (ie. explorer2.exe)

next reboot the computer and using F8 key load windows in safe mode with command prompt.

next delete explorer.exe (make sure you make a backup copy of the original just in case. ie. call it explorer.bak or something like that)

to do this you need to get to the C:\windows folder first by typing "cd c:\windows" (withouth quotes)

next type "del explorer.exe"

now you want to rename explorer2.exe to explorer.exe (type "ren explorer2.exe explorer.exe")




hope this helps.

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ya that didn't work... same error its the explorer.exe file itself not a bad try thow

its that same way im doing it but I end task explorer.exe then save my new explorer.exe using ResHacker then using task manager I run c:/windows/explorer.exe witch it says should work aswell as the way you say

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I was able to do this once before, I did what you said you were doing with the end task part, but I do not believe I was using Resource Hacker, I was using a different program, cant think of the name of it off the top of my head, but I do remember it was back in the day when I was downloading from download.com so you may be able to find it there.

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If I Could figger out how I am corrupting explorer.exe then I would have windows xp completely different lol...

Yet again all im getting is this error "c:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe is not a valid Win32 application." I'm still working on it I think I may have lost some hair because of it tho

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