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lets see.. .. C.. i like C.. because its really the only one i know right now..


not very well. but i can make programs that do things..


i also am learning common LISP.. and EMACS LISP.. .. lisp is very powerful as im finding out, more so than any language i can see yet.. its the programmable programing language.

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For myself, it's C++. It's the one I've used the most during my educational career, and it's still the one I have the best understanding of. However, I find myself using VB more than anything lately. I know it's a weak language in comparison, but generally I code things for other people to use, and the form layout for VB is so easy for people to use, especially non-geek types.

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C because it doesn't hide things from you the way Java and even C++ does. I've programmed in all 3 and Java definitely has its place but going to the javadocs every 2 minutes gets pretty annoying. Maybe i'm just a control freak and its bad that I like to know exactly whats going on when a program i write is run.

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