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Women Or Men Bodybuilders. What's The Difference?


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I also remembered that testosterone plays a big part in various changes women body builders go through. The most obvious is the loss of breast tissue, but there's three more big changes. One is abnormal outbreak of acne, not just on the face but other places on the body as well. Second is the growth of hair in places women generally don't, such as the face and chest. Finally, and this might prove that this person is in fact a woman: a deepening of the voice.


An average woman's vocal chords aren't large enough for a deep voice. However, as all of you may have noticed in your early/mid teen years (and as some of you are noticing just now), one of the effects of maturity is a deeper voice. This is because testosterone increases the size of your vocal chords. Women have only a fraction of the amount of testosterone a man has, which prevents her voice box from growing. Since this particular person probably has the same level of testosterone as 5 of us men, I wouldn't be surprised if she grew that Adams' Apple as a result.


Therefore, for all intents and purposes, the person in the video may very well be a woman.

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