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Mandatory Roaming Profile


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Hey, I'm working on my lab for school and I need a bit of advice on roaming profiles, specifically mandatory. I got my regular roaming profiles working properly, but I need to set up a few mandatory profiles as well and that gives me trouble. What I researches is, that you can rename ntuser.dat to ntuser.man in the users profile directory to force it to be mandatory. The problem is as admin I don't have access to this folder, therefore I have to assign myslef ownership of that folder, rename the file, and give the permissions and owenrship back to the original user. After that I can't seem to find the roaming profile when loging on on the client pc. I'm sure there is a more efficient way to do this, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Btw. I'm using 2003 Server and XP Pro.

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