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Dual Channel?

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I have a ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe Mobo with 2 Kingston KVR400X72C3A/512 running in a dual channel config. I was told that my system was only running at half speed because of the 800 MHz FSB, is this true? I thought that in dual channel that it had a 400 MHz channel to each stick which would mean that I am at full speed now. POST says that I am running in dual channel and it shows that it is running at 400 MHz. Of the few people that I have talked to it seems to be about a 50/50 mix of answers but there are no computer shops here local to talk to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Your RAM is running in dual channel at DDR400. In other words, everything is as it should be. The 800 FSB is actually a 200 FSB that's "quad-pumped", which is to say the CPU can access RAM four times per clock cycle. Note that this offers nowhere near four times the performance, unfortunately.


As for the dual channel, there's no adding up of bus speeds to make "800" or anything like that. The RAM is actually running at the same 200 FSB that the CPU is. Hence the DDR 400 (200x2). Dual channel theoretically doubles your memory bandwidth, but the performance gain is usually more along the lines of 3%-8%.

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