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Msi Neo 4 Sli Problems.....

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OK, my 40 day old MSI board is acting up. I turned my computer on the other day and had no video. First thought was that I cooked the video card. So I drove across town to a friends and got another PCI-E card to try. Nothing. Finally figured out that the little plastic retaining clip that secures the PCI-E selector card had fallen out. Popped it back in and it works fine.


Now here we are a week later, and every day I'm having to pull that item repeatedly. Whenever I shut off my system it just doesnt want to come back on with video. Its held down properly but barely works right.


Any ideas is something could've been damaged when it popped up to begin with?


Has anyone here RMA'd to MSI before and if so how long would you think I'll be without a motherboard for?


Thanks guys.

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