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Amd Athlon Xp Overclocking...


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Hello from Germany!


this is my hardware:


AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (Everest reports 1533 MHz = 11,5 x 133)


Motherboard: Epox EP-8KMM3I


is there any chance to make this system running faster by overclocking?




Peter from Germany

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  • 11 months later...

I guess the first question is: How much do you know about overclocking? And the second question would be: How much do you want to know about overclocking? :)


If you're looking for just a quick fix tweak, you probably won't get a whole lot more out of that setup. But if you're interested in learning more about overclocking, you could probably squeeze a significant bit of OC out of your setup.


If you're curious, I wrote a guide with some OC basics as kind of an overview to the OC process. You can find it here.

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