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Balance...speakers And Headphones


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So I just got a set of Logitech Z640 5.1s off ebay for $35 shipped and got them.


I'm debating mounting them to each corner in the room and then adjusting the balance for the corners further away, but these speakers dont have balance control, only fader.


So if I were to use the control panel to change the balance to be perfect for the speakers, when nighttime comes around and I have to use headphones, problem is, the right side of the headphones would be much louder, all fine and good if i'm using them for music, but if I'm gaming, that can be a problem ya know?

Any suggestions on what to do? Hotkeys come to mind, but I'm just not sure..


SBLive 5.1


Logitech Z640 5.1

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i'm almost certain that each speaker setting (headphones, 2.0/2.1, 4.0/4/1, 5.0/5.1) in the creative mixer keeps it's own settings...


so you should be able to switch from 5.1 to 2.0/headphones... the headphones setting has some weird dsp that i don't like so i choose 2.0...


that should work... it's been a while since i've used surround... and i re-arrange my room so i have symetrical speakers positioning! :lol:

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