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Umm, Help?


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I went home for the weekend and took the tower home with me. Now I'm back at my apartment and everything is hooked up the way it should be, however I have no sound at all. My speakers are logitech x-530 and I have reinstalled my drivers and rechecked the wirings and all. There was sound for the first few minutes then kaput, nothing at all. Any suggestions on what else I can do? Oh, and there used to be a sound manager icon in the tray but that's gone too and I have no idea how to get it back. I am using my integrated sound card on an ABIT IC7-G mobo.

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Have you tried restarting Im sure you have....


Make sure none of the jumpers got knocked loose or anything on motherboard.


go into device manager and see if there is a yellow circle with a cross over it on your intergrated sound. Check if device is working properly.

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Well, I've restarted a couple of times and there is no yellow circle at all and everything is fine on my mobo (jumpers are in place). The devices are workin properly, my speakers are fine (plugged them into my mp3 player), so that leave me with one option. Reset my mobo to default as danyo64 suggested. *Crosses fingers and hopes everything will be fine* Thanks for the suggestions.


EDIT:WHOOHOO, resetting it works! Thanks danyo64! Of course, scared the hell out of me cuz i forgot i turned my speakers and volume control to max...

Edited by ic3_man

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EDIT:WHOOHOO, resetting it works! Thanks danyo64! Of course, scared the hell out of me cuz i forgot i turned my speakers and volume control to max...



Oh thats always fun.. :D

Edited by Ste

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