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Team Hyperextreme -=he=- Recruiting!


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Team HyperExtreme is now recruiting! We are currently playing Battlefield 2, but will be moving to the Point of Existence modification when it comes out. We will also be playing Insurgency, a modification for Half Life 2.


We are a team of gamers of all ages. We believe that maturity does not necessarily come with age, as experience with other clans has taught us. We instead think that as long as you're nice and mature, you're worthy of being in a clan. Think you have what it takes? Sign up on our forums and apply for your tags today!




We have a Battlefield 2 Ranked server located at:


HyperExtreme -=HE=- Ranked Bloodbath


And a TeamSpeak 2 server located at:


HyperExtreme -=HE=- TS2



Our BF2 server is located in Dallas, Texas, so it should get a good ping for anyone in the United States.


Once again, our site is




You have your orders, move out!

Commander HyperSonicGT-R

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