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I'm Back, And With A Question


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Hello all! Tis' been a while since I've posted...


In my sig you'll find two new systems: my athlon64 system, and my laptop


I have 512Mb of RAM in my laptop, and it is detected in cpu-z and the BIOS. However, only 384Mb of it show up in the windows System window.


Also, I found one thread on this , but didn't get any answers: My laptop always runs on a lower multi, even if I'm not on battery power. Proc is supposed to run at 1.6, but it only runs at a multi of x4 instead of x8. I'm sure this is normal, but does it really speed up when it needs to?


Thanks guys



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for the first question about the ram... windows reads it as being lower because you have onboard video and it is using some of your ram. Basically the system ram that is being shared to the video card for use is not taken into account when windows probes for the amount of available memory. However this is not the case when you have an actual VGA card with dedicated memory. But I'll put bets on it your VGA card is a 128Mb shared card :)


As for the second problem, that is just cpu throttleing and yes it will speed it up when it needs it. If you really want to turn off that feature, most laptops have that option in the bios or something. Good luck w/ the new systems! :D

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for the first question about the ram... windows reads it as being lower because you have onboard video and it is using some of your ram. Basically the system ram that is being shared to the video card for use is not taken into account when windows probes for the amount of available memory. However this is not the case when you have an actual VGA card with dedicated memory. But I'll put bets on it your VGA card is a 128Mb shared card


Oh wow, thanks man! And thanks to both of you for the quick replies! That makes much sense.


Now I must get back to paying attention in SPARC Assembly class. Thanks again!

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