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New Rig


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it has been a long time coming but i am getting close to being able to make a new rig. i am not sure on power supply / ram. this is going to be air cooled.




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Well I guess you'll being doing som OCing. For my 3000+ Sempron and my 3700 Sandy, I use http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820146890


a gig of OCZ el platinum rev2. I heard that the timings on it could make it a poor OCer for AMD's, but I haven't seen that yet. I have gotten my Sempron from 1.8Ghz to 2.5, only being stopped by temps (combined with a DFI lanparty nf3 250gb). My 3700 Sandy is paired with that RAM and a lanparty nf4 ultraD, and I have gotten my 3700 from 2.2Ghz to 2.8, only being stopped by temps, and the fact that I was afraid it would become unstable....and the fact that I never needed it to go above 2.8 :lol: . So I'd look into that RAM.


As far as PSU, a good one for a rig like that would be a neopower480, and maybe even a neoHE 500, which I've heard is a great PSU and runs about the same price as the 480.


If you plan on going SLI and OCing, I would probably go 550W or higher with the PSU, though, just to be safe.


for mobo:


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813136157 if you plan on SLI


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16813136152 if you don't.


Good luck and have fun :thumbs-up:

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