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Guest matrax

do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?  

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  1. 1. do you agree, the fact that the US is attacking IRRAQ with no prove of NUK ?

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i just dont agree, because i dont think its fair because, we didnt find eney prouve that IRRAQ have woppens of mass destruction or NUK or what ever !!!!!

and to just go and kick . to some people that are not strong enough !!! <_<

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my god what special ed class did you fail out of????


but ya, how would you like it if one day these retards got mad cause they are

this crappy country in the middle east, unleashed chemical weapons on american civilians???

9-11 was a big deal right? that was one incident...

what if that ammount of people died in cities all around the us in one day cause of these


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Here's my thoughts in short:


we know sadamm hates the us

it's pretty obviouse he's hiding something

he's been hiding something for a long long time (he never fully cooperated with un inspectors last time either)


<sarcasm>so do you think he's just hiding his cars, homes and boats to escape the millions of dollers in taxes he owes or what? <end sarcasm>


he knows the other countries won't feel as strongly about military action because they're aren't the ones at high risk. so he'll continue to seeming cooperate to make them feel military action is unwarrented. (because look he's allowed people here, let us do this, etc.)


its just like an iceburg...what you see on the surface is a mere fraction of what is really there.

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its a really poor country most dont even have where to leave or what to eat and your telling me that those people have NUK!!

ya right people are not that dumb !

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Whether or not there is proof that Iraq had chemical or nuclear weapons, the fact that he has openly called for suicide attacks against the United States (today) is enough of a provocation to war... The fact that he has gassed his own citizens is further reason to see to it that this man is no longer in power. Whether you are a civilian or member of the armed forces, this issue is important to all, regardless. :)

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i am sure people from iraq are nce peolpe, the problem is sadam that dumb *ss

i am sure that all iraq wants is peace, i think all they need to do is to go get that sadam but i dont think they will, they didnt get ousama so how can they get sadam !

ancle SAM need to stop the cinema and tell us the truth <_<

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Of course Iraq wants peace! The problem is that the Iraqi's who want peace are not the ones that run the country or have influence on the government there... The average person doesn't care about the US anymore than their daily lives are concerned. The current regime is attempting to corrupt these people into believing that the US is an evil nation of non-believers who want to destroy the islamic faith and poison the minds of all Arabs. When the US speaks of removing Saddam from power, they refer to him, as well as his entire radical, oppressive regime. Much like what was done in Afghanastan, the country would theoretically be returned to the people there instead of to anti-US, supporters of terrorism. ;)


The truth about why we are doing this?

National Interest...

It is in the nation's interest to not be attacked by state-sponsored terror organizations or fundamentalist dictators...

It is in the nation's interest to secure relations in that part of the world to maintain oil flow so Americans can go about their lives without worrying about how to get to school or work, or where their power comes from... -_-

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yep, and matrax, how do you supose you get rid of a ruthless leader like saddam? Someone who will gas you or hurt your kids to get you to see his view? Everyone there is afraid of him and it is sad to say some innocent people will get hurt in the hunt for him, but it is what needs to be done, get rid of Saddam, this is the only way to do it. Too bad he would not just trip down one of his 100's of stairs of steps in his many, many, many private estates he owns while his people starve and live off nothing. Yes Iraq can get nukes, he just starves and kills his people to get the nukes.

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its a really poor country most dont even have where to leave or what to eat and your telling me that those people have NUK!!

ya right people are not that dumb !

Iraq controls something like 70% of the oil.... that's not poor.

The people of Iraq may be poor, but the country is not. That's the falt of the leader.


They've breached 1441, it's pretty obvious that they are hidding things, and the UN HAS found WoMD. It's not about nukes.


America has the right to defend itself, and Iraq is a threat to the well being of America and America's people (not to mention the people of other countries).


Personally, I think we ended the Gulf War to early... and now we just need to finish up. With or without the aprovial of NATO or the UN.



And those dumb ****'s going to Iraq in double decker busses to be voulentary human shields should be bombed as well...




..and one final thing, we aren't attacking. We have not attacked. - We simply have moved troops into position should we decide to attack.

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its a really poor country most dont even have where to leave or what to eat and your telling me that those people have NUK!!

ya right people are not that dumb !

exactly what d3 said...the people are poor because they're leader has all the money and is spending in "other" places.


i'm sure just more cars, boats and palaces.

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