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Unknown Crashing And Boot Error


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Ok, so i had a lan the other day and my friend brought over his pc. During a CS:S tourny suddenly his comp restarted. It restarted to a screen that said to insert boot media or something close to that. Then a friend came over and switched the boot order in the bios around and somehow it worked. Later the next day the same thing happened. He changed the boot order around in the BIOS and it still keeps happening. If anyone has had an experience like this or can guess a possible way to fix it.. that would be appreciated.


EDIT: sometimes his comp just freezes when he is just doing minimal things such as just now he was on msn and listening to music and it froze on him and forced to restart and he recieved the boot media error AGAIN.

Edited by Eurotrance

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as for the boot order changing, id say cmos battery is dying and the boot order is not being saved.



im pretty sure that aint it, but who knows. It's just that his computer keeps crashing every 15 minutes now. I'm thinking its maybe a mixture of two things. I think maybe his processor is overheating (since i just found out he took off his side fan (I KNOW WTF)) and/or maybe it could be the psu which he will be changing soon anyways. I really dont know from home, but I'm going to go see tomorrow morning.

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seems like the motherboard is going south.



That could be it. He really needs a new computer, But now is a really bad time for it to crap out, right before school with no money saved up... and yeah.. fsck!

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ok, so i went to his house right, changed everything back to the way it was and took out unneccesary things that hogged up power such as the pci fan card, it worked fine for 2 or so hours, and then BAM the computer froze for a second and then the screen went black.. but the computer was still runnin'. The fans started goin slower then faster then slower then faster and then the whole comp shut off. It wouldnt turn back on, so I went to feel the psu and it was freakin hot. Basically, the fan on the psu is broken and it overheats every so often, so now he is getting a new new psu.... and hopefully nothing else needs replacing.


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