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I Hate This Board

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While I was working on upping my oc, I had to reset the cmos but when I rebooted I couldn't raise the fsb at all. It just won't post past 205. I've tried dividers to rule out memory (I can also tighten the timing considerably at 200 so I am pretty sure the ram isn't the problem) so this leaves me with processor or motherboard as the problem. I tried flashing the bios but that also didn't get me anywhere. I have been very careful to recreate all my old settings (in 5 mhz increases, NOT straight back to the old 230 of course) but still no posting past 205. Any ideas?

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ok why bash msi? :lol: j/k anyways im a neo2 plat user, heres my config to try to help you hopefully.



multi: 10x




tccd ram timings:(default-2-2-2-5) 2.5-3-3-8

cool-n-quite: disabled

spread spectrum: disabled

ati/nvidia speedup: disabled

ram is corsair xms 3200 xlpt and cpu is 3200+ venice core.

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Another thing I forgot to mention, when I go to change the ht multi, there are no options and some how the bios freezes and I have to restart. It's not that I hate MSI, it's just that I don't get along with this particular board. I had to rma the first one because it though the cpu temp ws -174 even after the updated bios that supposedly fixed the problem had come out.

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when you change the ht, do you press enter or use the page up/down buttons, do not press enter, it will crash, it does it to my neo2 board. just use alternatives to change settings and not enter for the ht option, once you get 3x leave it :D

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I tried lowering the ht and that helped a little but locking the agp at 67 seems to have made a huge difference; I'm already back to 2.2. I remember reading somewhere that 67 was a better number than 66 because it fit better with the other frequencies, can't remember exactly why but anyway.... thanks for all the help!

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