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Newbiw Help: Better Type Of Ram? What Is Diff?

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Im somewhat of a newbie

there is so much







which is best i dont mean in brand but in type

whitch is best for oc-ing and not oc-ing

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Im somewhat of a newbie

there is so much







which is best i dont mean in brand but in type

whitch is best for oc-ing and not oc-ing

DDR = (Double Data Rate) pretty much the only thing used anymore. Runs @ FSBx2

SD = (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) Old school, still used in some servers and older computers. Not used on newer systems.

RD = (RAMBUS Dynamic Random Access Memory), dead. - Used on some of the early P4 systems. I say again, dead.

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thx a bunch :lol: so muahahahahahah im learning my stuff thx so the best is ddr?! WAIT what dose "512 MB - Cosair PC2700 (DDR333)"<--got that from your sig. what does the ddr333 mean and what dose the PC2700...is that how powerfull or what? Any better than others?

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pc 2700=333,2100=266,3000=400,3200=433mhz...its just the speed.depends on your board as to what you need to use.for overclocking its the higher the better...

slightly wrong

pc3200 = ddr400

pc3000 = ddr~375 (cant remember) exact number


also higher is not always better ddr 333 running at faster ram timings (eg. 2,2,2,6) performs better than ddr400 at slower ram timings (eg. 2.5,3,3,6). It also depends on the fsb of the cpu because my rig runs slower, when the ram is at ddr400 (200 fsb) (regardles of the timings) because my cpu is at 133fsb so it is slower than when i bring the ram down to ddr 333.

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