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Gay Female Preacher, Running A Gay Church In Ca

Guest Lord_Starscream

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you aren't a patriot?




I'm Canadian, therefore, have different views about such things as: War, foreign policies, a stuff of the sort.


When voicing my oppinion on the current state of america and bush and the "war" and such, im often told that it is none of my concern but that isnt true. America, being the most powerful country in the world, makes an impact on canada and other surrounding countries. Also, The US is canada's number 1 trade parter, so if the economy goes to . in america, it does likewise in canada.

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Well, first off, i dont dislike americans. I find that you guys and us guys have our differences and definaltly very different views of things.


I used to be like everybody else, but i like to think that i am not just going to do what other people do, and im going to make my own decisions.


Basically, the adults.. well i dont know really, but the kids (ages ranging from 11 to early 20s) are mostly bush-bashers. They are uninformed and they just say that they hate bush because he's stupid and he bombs countries and all that other nonsence. They're un-informed, and that angers me. Or should i say they're misinformed. They've simply seen Fahrenheit 911 one too many times and can't bother to make up their own minds about things. Now, I am 15, living smack-dab in suburbia, and I am surrounded by people who persecute me if i say things like "I wouldnt have voted for him, but its not like i hate him or anything". That really grinds my gears.... (sorry just watched family guy). Anyways, What are your views on us canadians? Like, you, and the people around you. Don't hold back, i want to correct you later :) We're really nice people

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Guest Silenc3

Canadians Rule, Americans Rule.

I dont understand what most fuss over.

Not like you can bomb canada like you did iraq just 'cause you dont like us.


How did the thread get jacked so quickly? :DP

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