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Explaination Of W00t!


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This one is for shaggy!



its an expression used for many many things..

Its like happyness...


Like.. Example...

You just built your first computer.. you are so proud, so you yell "w00t!"


"w00t" is like when you overclock your machine to the max!


"w00t" is definitly, most definitly when your girlfriend, and or boyfriend if your female, gives you an orgasm..

Well... that would be more like "W00terz! Oh my g0d yes! w00t!"



But you get the point

"w00t" is a happy happy word!


Its almost like saying "woohoo!" but shorter.


Hope that explains to all who wanted to know the meaning of w00t!


If anyone has anything to add, be my guest!



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Thank you, for explaining to me the meaning of life and the happy word "w00t."  I'm going to say it to all my friends, so they can be just as confused as I was, when I didn't know what it meant. :D

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w00t w00t.... heh

I say that all the time.... but then again

I more often say 'Woo Woo Woo' which is from

CKY... bah but then again we were watchin these 3 stooges

movies in my history class on Friday which were satires of

World War 2 and on one part it said 'Woo Woo Woo' which they might of stole it from or somethin, cause I think curly says it... but ya, good times....

Woo Woo Woo!

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