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Need A Labtop For School


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Hey, I know this is an old story, but i need a labtop, however I require different things than most of the otehr posts i read. Ive had my beast of a desktop for a year (o its been a good year) but now its time to sell it and get a labtop. However, i DONT want a desktop replacement, I want a labtop. My criteria are:


1. Mobile: thin light, (12-15.5" screen), and MOST IMPORTANTLY looottsss of battery.


2. Powerful (its going to be hard enough moving down from a 3.5 GHz system). Im not talking about a P4, and yes i know the trade off is between weight and speed, so ill probably opt for a 755 (2.0 ghz pentium m) and abotu 512 ram


3. Looks, it has to look nice


So with that in mind, what would you suggest? I was looking at either sony or dell but am open to suggestion. I dont think id get an alienware simply because i feel that there not as mobiel as i want. Thanks for any input, thanks,



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Hmmm, i was also looking at Acers. Can u say sweet! PCi express, Intel 770 (533 FSB), radeon x700, annnddd a battery life. See ithere. Any other companies im missing. I really dont like toshibas. dell, acer, sony, dont really like alienware, hmm. THanks,



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Guest Silenc3

"labtops" err laptops are to expensive for what they do, I mean really what will you be doing with it. Doesnt your school have PC's?

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For university....and i dont want a desktop because i dont need to play games (really), all i would use it for is work, dvds, and other low requirement things. Thats why i want a lot of battery. Thanks,



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I hear intel centrio labtops have great battery life. Also you could try buying more then one battery if your on the move a lot. The labtop that you showed looks to me like it is more for gaming because it has pci-express the newist in gaming grathics. You could problay get somthing cheaper if you don t want best grathics.

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I want graphics, its jsut i dont want to have to sacrifice battery life or size for them, but with this labtop i dont have too. Too bad it, ummm, cost 4000 bucks but it just came out so hopefully it will go down.

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for power and battery life the centrino is the best bet

it's very powerful and has some pretty good battery life

i would suggest you go with a company that lets u customize all the parts yourself

ibuypower i think it is that has some pretty good comps

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