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Dfi Doa Bad Luck

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Well, I just got my new DFI ultra infinity, and as far as I can tell, it arrived DOA. It spins up, but never makes it to the reassuring system beep, acting much like if it had a dead bios.


I bought it from newegg, so obviously RMA'ing is an option, but I had a question for you geniuses at OCC. Can I RMA it for a refund, then rebuy it tonite? That way, I'd have to pay the 15% restocking fee, but I'd have my mobo by saturday. I can't live 2 weeks without my computer!!


have any of you done this? I am desperate here..

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For some reason I can't get the system speaker to do anything on both of my Infinity boards. Not that it's that big of a deal.


I imagine you tried re-seating everything? What about hitting reset while the board is doing nothing? Some BIOS versions appear to have a cold boot issue, usually cleared up by resetting.

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