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Just A Quicky


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how is it that a sattellite dish, seemingly made from plastic, deflects electromagnetic waves....is there some special material that feels like plastic that actually has properties of a metal....i was just wonderin...THANKS!!

Edited by +-geek-+

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i just have a little RCA one...and it seems to be made of plastic....




Well DirectTV uses RCA ao im guessin we prob have the same dish (or close) go feel of it and ull see it's actually metal :)

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I dont think it's made of plastic, it might have plastic in it but it also must have metal.

remember the giant dishes we used to have, they were made with some kind of mesh or perf, metal, so the newer ones might have some thin metal foil in it .

besides the dish is only to reflects the signals the curvature of it sends them to the receiver like a big ear, the better the receiver the smaller the dish


But i might be wrong :P

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