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Why Do You Support ............?

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Lets stay focused ;)


Nice posts people (except maybe 1 :unsure: )... it is good to see some thought...


Asus, you had a very good post.... To the point...



keep um coming, but lets keep the thread open... don't bash anyone elses post....


and stick by the rules...


Its my thread :P so follow my rules! :P

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Are there any Kerry supporters here

The reason you don't see any Kerry supporters is because the so called "rules" are skewed in favor of anyone supporting the incumbent. The incumbent is mostly about what he has done and is doing. The usurper is ALL about what he says he will do (what he has done in other roles isn't very useful because it hasn't involved being THE executive). To support the usurper, all one can say is "he says he'll do this and that". You can't properly support the usurper without comparing his plans to how you think the incumbent has gone wrong. This all smacks of censorship.


And by the way, much has been made of Kerry's and Edward's vote against the troop funding. They were amongst 12 votes against. They voted against, NOT because they wanted U.S. troops to have no supplies (that should be obvious), but because they felt the current plan was wrong and failing. Had the bill not passed their would have been plenty of time to draft an alternative (before the current money ran out).


If you expect congress to just write blank checks to the President on command, then you've forgotten what democracy is.

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the question was:

Why are you going to vote for your candidate?


If that isn't skewed, I don't know what is...


I would be happy to hear a more straight forward and balanced question




How bout, Why will you vote for John Kerry?





Why will you vote for George Bush?



same rules apply:


Can you answer that question without EVER saying/thinking/typing ANYTHING about the other candidates or the other parties....?


Can you only focus on what your guy is going to do, NOT what you feel the other guy hasn't done or won't do?



Notice the part that says what your guy is GOING to do...... Hmmm I'm really lost

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same rules apply:


Can you answer that question without EVER saying/thinking/typing ANYTHING about the other candidates or the other parties....?


Can you only focus on what your guy is going to do, NOT what you feel the other guy hasn't done or won't do?



Notice the part that says what your guy is GOING to do...... Hmmm I'm really lost

I was excercising my freedom of speech. Does that apply within the borders of your thread? If you read carefully, you'll see I was on topic about this thread and about the topic of this thread. Or do you want to dictate?


To staff: If you want a "politics" forum, then make it FREE... Freedom.

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the forum is free... post away,,, and I am always interested....



I just started a thread with an easy premise... to think about who you are voting for./..


seems too many people vote or believe in something without knowing why....




oh and...you still havent' answered this threads question//// ;)

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No no no


Don't get into fights with the admins.


I followed the rules with my first post, but strayed after.


It is all in good fun though, if John Kerry wins I will support him as president just as much as Dubya.


Please folks lets not be major jerks and lose this forum. Having differences is fine, but lets keep it civil. I have seen these conversations get out of hand and cause politics to be forbidden topics on enough boards. Just watchThis Land is your Land and take a deep breath before you reenter the fray.

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oh and...you still havent' answered this threads question//// ;)

It's a matter of crafting it to not break the rules. Just have to make sure my "third person" stuff doesn't appear to be pointing to anyone specifically, that someone else believes in, therefore insulting that person's political beliefs (who ever she/he may be). And I'm not even bashing.


But politics is not religion. Saying woeful things about someone's candidate is not like insulting them personally. Common sense.

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Politics is not religion.. I agree 100%


I just tired of Politics of bashing the other guy vs standing of for things someone believes in...


even at our local level... tis quite frightening.....


I just want people to vote for someone (I really don't mind who anyone votes for JUST VOTE!) because they beleive in them.... not because they don't like the other guy....



I am tired of "lesser of two evil" elections......

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