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Wu-oh Bigred


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Well, according to the new "user future" link on extremeoverclocking, I should be on the first page within 12 days (I think that estimate is a bit conservative, given that my comps are going through tinkers and my daily avg has dropped as a result)

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hmm, remember that EVERYone is getting tinkers these days, they work out more points per day, and there will be a lot of shifting about... so you might get on the first page, only to be knocked back down... heh, it's looking like about a month til i'm on the first page, unless i can come up with some extra folding power somehow...

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We all know what happened to the rabbit.... he shot the turtle and drove a Viper to the finish.



But to tell you guys the truth, I'm not quite sure I even like the name anymore, but I'm kinda stuck with it if I want to keep credit for all of my work units... I also need to get a better gaming handle, my current one outright sucks.

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That's not my current handle, but I have thought of using it (the joke's kinda old to me, I've used it before.)

My point was just that I can't think of a good one...


Edit: it looks far better without the underscore.

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