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Overclocking My Amd 2800= Cpu And Mem

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Hey guys,

I am new at this and would like to ask the ones who know how I can overclock my AMD 2800+ CPU on an MSI K7N2 Delta Motherboard with 1 Gig of 333 MHZ ram.


Your help would be greatly appreciated.


Oh yes, Cooling is not a problem becasue i have four fams on my system :blink:






p.s. please reply to me directly at [email protected] with the details

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First, you are not going to be able to change the Vcore or core speed because you motherboard won't support it, regardless of your CPU; adjust the FSB setting (reboot after every speed change) and go back one when windows starts to get screwy (any faster and you'll have to change your FSB jumper to 100fsb to reset it without having to clear the bios.) >I used to own one of those; they're not bad, but asus nforce2 ultra 400's are far better OC'ers (via's are not bad either.)

Edited by a rabbit

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Dude, are you serious?

I've got an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe which is nForce2 Ultra 400 with a AMD 2800XP+ Barton, but i can't get over 185x12.5 stable. It's really REALLY annoying.

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