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Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution Expansion Announced


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First released in 2015, Galactic Civilizations III has received two expansions since, with Crusade coming in 2017 and Intrigue arriving in 2018, and now its third has been announced; Retribution. This new expansion is set to be the game's largest yet, as it adds new major civilizations, alien artifacts of great power, a redesign tech tree, and Hypergates. There is also a new campaign coming with this expansion, concluding the Galactic Civilizations III backstory.

The two new major civilizations are the Drath and Korath, with the Drath being a manipulative species while the Korath tend towards extermination. The artifacts are of ancient origin and are found on planets, offering players an effect or bonus. The Hypergates will also have a significant impact on play as this technology developed by the humans of Sol III allow ships to cross the galaxy rapidly. Cargo ships are also being added with this expansion, allowing one to deliver goods and serves to other planets to enhance their development. The rebuilt technology tree should offer players greater depth and sharpens the strategic choices players will need to make.

Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution is expected to launch this winter and will cost $19.99.

Source: Stardock


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