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Cross-Platform Play Arrives on Xbox One, Cross-Network Play a Possibility


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The days of the Xbox only being able to communicate with the PC is evidently coming to an end, as the Xbox One may soon feature cross-platform play with the PlayStation 4. It's a stunning move from Microsoft, as the company recently announced other "online multiplayer networks" are invited to its cross-platform initiative between Windows 10 and Xbox One. This isn't a guarantee that PS4 and XBO gamers can cross-network play together in a multi-platform game, but it might. The first game to support the new cross-platform feature is Rocket League, the insane rocket car/soccer game that will see Windows 10 and XBO players able to game together. It brings the XBO version of the game up to par with both the PC and PS4 versions, as users on those could play together from the very start. Like those systems, XBO gamers can choose to play with only other XBO owners or anyone they wish.

Microsoft is allowing developers to choose to enable cross-platform play and even cross-network play, but hopefully it's something more choose to do than not. We'll just have to see if Sony accepts the invite from Microsoft, as it isn't everyday you see Xbox Live opened up in such a welcoming manner.

Source: Xbox Wire

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