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New Adobe Flash Vulnerability Affects All Versions on All Systems


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There always seems to be a new Adobe Flash vulnerability discovered, and usually after Adobe patches the last vulnerability. Well, this new vulnerability, discovered by Trend Micro, appeared after Adobe recently updated Flash, and man, is it a big one. All versions of Flash on Windows, Mac, and Linux are affected by the vulnerability, which hackers can use to crash and even take control of affected PCs. Yes, it does say all versions of Flash across all platforms, and the interesting part is the only way to truly protect yourself is to completely uninstall Flash from your computer. According to Adobe, it hopes to have a fix available by October 16, although when or if that actually happens is still unknown. It's also unclear if all versions of Flash will be patched or just the newest version. So far the attacks are limited and are not widely being used, but the threat remains out there for all systems.

Regardless of which version of Flash is installed on your computer, and regardless if you're on Windows, Mac, or Linux, the best course of action is to uninstall Flash. Hopefully Adobe gets an update pushed out soon to address this large problem. And maybe, just maybe, this will signal the end of Flash support for good.

Source: Adobe

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My Avast AV installed a new version of Flash yesterday, 10/15. So, maybe fixed?

Sometime ago I set Flash in my Mozilla Browser to "Ask to Activate" as I got tired of all of the push advertising slowing down and frequently locking up my computer.

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