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XP Logonui Hack


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Does anyone know how to do this thing ( Logonui hack) :( ?


I have tried copying the downloaded logonui's to my C:\windows\system32 & C:\windows\system32\dllcache dir. It keep on showing me the microsoft XP original logon screen.


Real frustating!!


I have also downloaded Resource Hacker and checked the logonui file copied to the above directories. The image is showing me the correct one(the one I've downloaded).


But this is not what I get in my XP logon.

I'm going nuts!


Does anyone know what else I need to do?

Appreciate any help that is worth trying.



MYA :(

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You must do a couple things...

First, boot into safe mode (F8 before windows loads)

Then, delete LongonUI_Orginal.exe, and then make sure the one you want is LogonUI, and make it the only one on your entire computer! Go into find and look for anything.

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Done the method suggested by DevilMB3017.

But XP still boot-up with its original logon. Very Weird!!

I've Checked the only logonui.exe file in the system and image is what I want.

But I think the system is storing the original file somewhere else. Dunno where. Can't see it in 'FIND' even when the system hidden files was already exposed.

Appreciate some more help.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks DevilMB3017 for the post.


mya :(

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first off..


you need to edit some files..

because.. XP knows when u screw with the files.. and it has a backup copy of the original file..


I can tell you this much.. were its located I do not remember..


But you need to edit some INI file.. I belive.. and then delete the replacement original file.. and then boot in to safe mode

and it werks..


I would go to like.


www.littlewhitedog.com and I think they have the howtos.. and I think LinuxPro knows how to do it..


Im not running XP yet.. so I dont know.. As soon as I run it I will tell you all :P

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Well, if you are wanting WinXP to use the same login as NT and 2000 did, it is a very complicated process... :P


When at the XP logon screen... press and hold ctrl and alt.... whith those two keys down, press delete two times.


You have now switched to the "classic" login...



Though, I'm not sure if that is what you are wanting to do....


Or this howto tells you howto 'hack' the logonui.exe to use custom XP login screens.

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OK! I found the thing you need to do...I'm sure of it...


Download the one you want to use again.

Keep it on your desktop.

Boot up into safe mode and logon as the Admin.

Delete the LogonUI.exe file. Move yours into the same directory. Make sure that there is no others on your computer. EMPTY your recycle bin. Then, Windows will say something. You want to use the non-support verison that is currently working, or whatever the option like that is.


Then, re-start, and make sure that the WinXP disk isn't in there!!

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OK! I found the thing you need to do...I'm sure of it...


Download the one you want to use again.

Keep it on your desktop.

Boot up into safe mode and logon as the Admin.

Delete the LogonUI.exe file. Move yours into the same directory. Make sure that there is no others on your computer. EMPTY your recycle bin. Then, Windows will say something. You want to use the non-support verison that is currently working, or whatever the option like that is.


Then, re-start, and make sure that the WinXP disk isn't in there!!

WFP won't allow you to delete the file from within windows... if you try it, it'll be replaced with a copy from the dllcache folder on reboot....


However, you can disable WFP and then delete the file.... -OR- boot to the recovery console and replace it there, as WFP doesn't overide changes from the recon.

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Thanks to all the inputs from everyone.


I'm moved by the responce I get and I bet one of these will certainly fix it.


d3bruts1d, no I wasn't trying to boot XP like NT. I just want the XP original logon to go away. I wish to replace it with my downloaded one. I know this is suppose to be really simple. Dunno what happen.


I'll try all the above suggestions and shall keep everyone posted of the outcome.


Cheers Guys


MYA ;)

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