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Google Sidewalk Labs Plans to Tackle Problems of City Living


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Sidewalk Labs is the latest project to come out of Google known as a "moon shot" and is "dedicated to improving life in cities and urban areas." Among the chief issues that the company hopes to address are cost of living and energy usage. Sidewalk Labs issued a statement about these issues stating, "However, while there are apps to tell people about traffic conditions, or the prices of available apartments, the biggest challenges that cities face — such as making transportation more efficient and lowering the cost of living, reducing energy usage and helping government operate more efficiently have, so far, been more difficult to address." Google CEO Larry Page described the modest investment in the company saying, "It’s an area where I hope we can really improve people’s lives, similar to Google[x] and [healthcare-focused] Calico." As with other Google side projects it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Source: Tech Crunch

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