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Experience Victorian London in Assassin's Creed Syndicate


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A new Assassin's Creed game is on the way, one that brings us closer to modern day. Assassin's Creed Syndicate takes us to London during the Industrial Revolution, when the city is chock full of corruption and greed and needs a little cleaning up. Assassin Jacob Frye is "born and bred" to do just that, as he must take over the city's criminal underworld to help free the city's working class. Jacob is the leader of one of the city's street gangs, and rival street gangs will need to be taken out in order to help the city. Those rival gangs may be composed of Templars, who once again figure to play a prominent role in Syndicate.

Jacob Frye isn't alone in the fight against the other gangs/Templars, as his twin sister Evie can join in. Players will be able to switch between both Jacob and Evie as they see fit while exploring the game's open world, which is composed of six different boroughs that make up London in 1868. Jacob is the hot headed, rebellious member of the family, while Evie is the stealthy assassin. Story missions are tied to a specific character, so Jacob may see the bulk of those, but the rest of the time you can play as one or the other.

Along the way, the Fryes will meet up with Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, and other prominent Victorian London citizens to help in the fight. These allies should prove invaluable in freeing London from the Templars' grip, although the exact help is not yet known. Like I said, there are six boroughs to journey through in the game: the City of London, Lambeth, Southwark, the Strand, Westminster, and White Chapel. There's a seventh borough, too, Crawley, where the twins grow up as assassins, although it may not be a playable area beyond a tutorial segment.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a single player-only game, as Ubisoft Quebec wanted to focus on that to give players the biggest open-world city in the franchise yet. The map is about 30% larger than the one in Assassin's Creed Unity, and is filled with rival gang strongholds to clear, driveable vehicles, and a stronger combat focus that past games. Jacob Frye is skilled with a kukri and brass knuckles, with the assassin's gauntlet containing not only the hidden blade, but a rope launcher to easily clamber up buildings, and a hallucinogenic dart launcher to turn enemies against each other. He also has a six-shooter and throwing knives, with the knives also being able to cut down objects on ropes to drop on top of enemies. Evie's weapons are not yet known, but given her higher stealth focus, I wager she has weapons built for quiet takedowns.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate arrives on October 23 for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with the PC version arriving later in the fall.

Source:  Ubisoft, IGN, GameSpot [1] & [2], and Reddit

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