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New Display Technology Based on DNA


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The displays for our phones and computers are our windows into the virtual and real worlds, so naturally we want to always have access to them and have them always look good. To that end, many are working on new technologies, including some to make flexible screens you can unroll when desired. Often such displays use organic components, but researchers at Tel Aviv University have gone a bit farther with that by employing DNA-like molecules.

For this work, the researchers started with peptides, short protein fragments essential to all life on Earth, attached to DNA elements. The DNA was to give the new molecules the ability to self-assemble, and three of those developed did so in just minutes. The resulting structures are similar in form to actual DNA, but still possess peptide properties. The researchers next tried adding fluorescent dyes that will bind to the DNA fragments, but it turned out this was not necessary, as the molecules naturally fluoresced at every color, instead of just one, and did so in response to a voltage.

These molecules naturally have applications with opto-electronics, such as new, organic displays. As the molecules can directly emit any color of light, this would allow the pixel layer to be just one layer thick, unlike modern displays, while also being flexible. That single layer also helps keep the costs down.

Source: American Friends of Tel Aviv University

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