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Overclock Advice :)

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Hey everyone after finnaly getting a little more swavy with apps and the cooling in my system i started to overclock stuff and wanted to get advice tips maybe even someone has a setup close to mine here and wanted to point me in the right direction as im still learning but heres what i got so far. Pictures included let me know if you see anything odd with voltages or speeds w/e Ive attacged the pictures ive also attached a OCCT Stress test thats been on going for 40 minuets


As always thank you






-System Specs-

AMD FX 4100 Black Edition (3.6Ghz Stock)

MSI 970A-G43

Cooler Master Hyper N520

Corsair Vengenace DDR2-1866 8gbs ram

Cooler Master 912 Fully loaded


Edit: After 1 hour of OCCT it did not go past 54"C and when i turned it off it dropped to 38"c in mere seconds




Edited by Enderfect

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Your cpu voltage looks a bit high for 4.0Ghz.  Start easing it down and repeating your stress test until you get a failure.  Then bump it back up by .01 to .02v and retest.

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Ya i pushed the CPU to 4600 and Core 2 kept erroring went back tryed 4500 still no go 4400 still sketchy im at 4.2Ghz right now and it appears to be stable - some medium temps what CPU voltage would you suggest for 4.2?


And another odd question according to a few sites the FX 4100s max tempature is 70"c i see durning max loads for long periods of time the temps being 56" to 58" is that a safe ceiling of room?

Edited by Enderfect

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Use same methodology for determining the voltage requirements for 4.2Ghz.  Start at 1.35 vcore, test and if it passes drop cpu voltage by .01v and test again, rinse repeat.


It wouldn't surprise me if you could get 4.2Ghz at 1.30 to 1.34 vcore.


Your temps are fine.


No matter what voltage you pump through it you probably won't get to 4.6Ghz without one of the cores failing.

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Ah ok ya the OCCT Just Canceled out and ended at Core #2 erroring so i took it as a bad thing lol

i dropped my CPU Voltage down to 1.3030v According to CPU-Z its 1.320V

Dont see any issues or differences


I Used my MSI OC Genie 2 and it ony made my CPU 3.8 i wanted more only sad part is it somehow made my memory instead of 933Mhz it was 1005Mhz

Cant seem to figure out how to get it to that on my own and the dumb OC Genie wont let me modify the cpu without the genie taking my values and cranking them up eve more

like 4.9 which just causes massive issues Contantly overwrites my setting with its own x5 lol

Edited by Enderfect

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Best bet is to write down the BIOS values set by OCG2.

You can use those as a starting point for manually tweaking your BIOS instead of relying on the OCG2. Manually tweaking your BIOS for overclocking isn't so difficult, but if you haven't done so yet you should read a couple of the numerous O/C guides for the FX series processor or AM2/AM3/AM3+ motherboards. There are plenty of them out there if you'll do a quick search.


Refer back to the two articles I sent you via PM.  They do a good job of explaining the various major items you'll need to consider when manually overclocking.

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i looked it up and read but oddly MSI's Bios doesnt have any DRAM Edits other then its voltage lol no multiplyer for it nothing just the voltage lol

like they want to force you to use there ocgenie :P hopefully in awhile ima pick up at 8350 or the new series of FX coming out soon with a Sabertooth board


thanks for all the help

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Sorry End, that is incorrect.


Boot back into your BIOS.  Instead of choosing "OC Genie II Mode" choose "Standard Mode"


On the left side of the GUI you will see; 






Click on the "OC" button and note all of the settings you can adjust.  Dram frequency is one of them.  And in fact, if you plan on overclocking via the CPU FSB frequency, you are probably going to have to use a different memory divider in order to keep your RAM running at or near spec.

ScreenHunter_79 Jun. 05 20.21.jpg

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Ya i know Dram Frequency is there and it sets my ram at 1333 when its 1866 so i changed it to 1866 933Mhz per stick in (Standard) however if i used ocgenie it somehow makes them 1005mhz each i just dont get how it did that when the options for dram frequency are standard like 1333 1600 1866 2133 thats what threw me off

Edited by Enderfect

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When using OC Genie it upped your CPU FSB Frequency to get your oveclock.  Impressive that your memory would run stable at 1005Mhz...........................


Whenever you increase your CPU FSB Frequency, it also increases your memory frequency, hence the need to sometimes use a different memory divider to keep your memory running nearing its factory speed setting.


You have an unlocked processor, so it's probably best to see what you can get out of it by changing the CPU multiplier first, and then fine tuning with the CPU FSB Frequency.

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