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HD 5870 overheating?


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When playing BF3 my gpu is between 75-80 degrees is this too high?


I ask because after a while the screen randomly freezes on me and i have to end task. even though i still hear sounds and its still running in the background.


I've been reading online that some people have trouble with their vram heating up on this card. Though I don't see temps for this in ccc?


I was also told that i should manually raise my gpu fan speed? Is this safe to do? it seems to never go over 35% it idles at 20% and when playing bf3 automatically goes to 35% at 35% it seems much louder....i can imagine raising it to 40 or 50 would be extremely loud. Do you recommend doing this while i am gaming?


I have replaced a gpu fan on an nvidia 7600 once in the past. But these new cards seem really complicated and i'm worried if i blow this fan i will not be able to replace it. I appreciate your opinions and any advice you may have.



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GPUs are generally safe until around 90C+ for extended periods of time, however if you are gaming for these periods, and experience sustained use at 75-80C, I do recommend increasing fan speed to keep it in the ultra-safe zone, just in case

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Even if increasing the fan speed does decrease the life of the card, the effect will be minimal, and keeping the temperature down will prolong the life of your card to a much greater extent. You don't need to set a custom speed for the fan all the time, there are certain GPU software suites (such as MSI Afterburner) that allow you to set a custom fan-curve that means you can set the card to your own acoustical and temperature preferences, although I would recommend erring on the side of caution, and only attempting this if you know what you are doing.

Edited by EuroFight

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ok so i set it to 40% and now the card is in the mid 60s. so playing bf3 for hours with this temp should be ok . it should def stay under 70.


question though. is it possible to replace the fan on this card if it dies. like i did years ago on the nvidia 7600?

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I have run my gtx 460 for 2 years with the fan speed at 70% ( stock is 30% ) and oc'ed to 850 mhz whenever I game, have not had a problem with either the card or the fan, so with a 5% fan speed increase I think you should be fine. :rolleyes:

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