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WinAmp 3 Is Out!


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Ok just got bored and d/l the new version... here's some


first of... SOB!!!!!!!!! Stupid AOL ADS EVERYWHERE AGAIN!!!! AAAAAAAH!

ok lets check it out....playlist editor looks kinda stupid

but I like the idea of switching between lists easier...

Thinger still looks extremely stupid to me....

media library looks a little annoying cause I don't really index

all my songs and media, takes too long and locations change,

easier to scope out and double click...

no noticable slow down when playing songs... (but of course I have

a pimp computer, I should try it at my friends house who's

mp3's hella slow down when IM's pop up, but the system still amazingly

runs alright cause everything is good cept the mobo/processor and probly still usin pc133 ram or so.... grr he has a 120gig hd!)

back to winamp...

allows me 2 switch back to classic skins, but everything else still looks

new besides main window... (kinda dumb...)

pretty sweet new AVS's....

some music videos wont play on movie window.... probly need new

codecs... Winamp browser still not replacing internet explorer...

tried playing Half Baked and Showtime in movie window and both

ran perfercly as far as I saw....

hmmm not as bad as I thought.... I guess I'll use it...

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Ya.. the AOL adds suck.. but 2.x installed them to. :/


Playlist can be fixed... see the bar in the middle? Click it, and it slides all the way over to the right, then click on the x next to the search window at the bottom of the playlist, and it'll go away... there ya go. Looks like your old playlist.


Never liked media librarys. :/ I keep mine off.


Thinger is a bit odd... but can be turrned off... I'm use to it, and keep it on.


My system is a P3 933M (1.043G) and 512M DDR2100... runs fine, no slow down, nothing...


The EQ has a small button on it labled "Advanced EQ" which gives you the balance and crosfade options... nifty.


Don't like the AmpExplorer... never used it, and don't plan on it.


Cant find the fire visuilation... that sucks. I liked peaked fire display... only have o-scope and bars now. :( :( :(


Actually think it plays a bit better than the 2.x did.



I'd give it a 4/5 stars. Not bad for an AOL-befied item... how can the make NN suxxorz, and leave this roxxors???

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ya I wasnt plannin on goin back to Winamp 2.x ....

This is pretty cool, just a few things I didnt like at first but after using it for

a bit made me realize that it wasn't gonna piss me off or make

my mp3 listening harder... I think when I used the beta there was stuff

on there that was extremely annoying but I think those were fixed...

thats true, this is pretty good for a product corrupted by AOL...

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bah I realized something...

all the new skins are gonna suck...

can't use any Winamp 2.x skins anymore unless you

try and port them... but ya check out the skins...

they suck... they like like windows media player skins...

this is horrible!

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I have no doubt that people will make skinx similar to the 2.x...


I like the new skins. In fact, that was the only think I liked about WMP. Finally, you can get rid of the blocky winamp, and make it look far more techy...


Check out some of these.



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ahh... :(


That sucks. That was part of the reason behind beta-testing... to get skins out for the release.


Well... at least ya can look and see the "posibilities" of what can happen once they get fixed. :-/

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the only reason I really used winamp instead of WMP was becasue it was pretty compact and the skins werent giant... now the skins are all big again and will get in the way of everything... bah..

I hate WMP skins...

but ya in time...

but ya I realized this is the only movie player that

will let me skip through parts on this movie I have...

I guess it's my new porn player too... heh

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