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HD6970 only works on intel boards

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Yes but to exibit such behaviour disproves that very statement as it does differentiate because there is some kind of measurable difference that is directly causing this issue. Therefore there must be a reason that it can tell beyond simply "broken". I cant rma it and even if I could I would want to solve this mystery because hardware doesnt simply decide on its own to choose a brand and the issue is nt just a case of coincidence, having it happen to the minute is a little too close to discount, perfect video card magically decides to go hay wire completely on its own upon driver install and start choosing cpu brands? I simply dont think so.

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Yes but to exibit such behaviour disproves that very statement as it does differentiate because there is some kind of measurable difference that is directly causing this issue. Therefore there must be a reason that it can tell beyond simply "broken". I cant rma it and even if I could I would want to solve this mystery because hardware doesnt simply decide on its own to choose a brand and the issue is nt just a case of coincidence, having it happen to the minute is a little too close to discount, perfect video card magically decides to go hay wire completely on its own upon driver install and start choosing cpu brands? I simply dont think so.

The pcie link being busted on the card would make it iffy on different controllers. It's entirely possible that the AMD controller just gives up at a certain point where the Intel controller does not.


Either way if the problem is reproduceable then the card is broken and should be RMAd.

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Now THAT is an idea, unfortunately I can not RMA it as sapphire has zero warranty and the retailers was like 90 day thru a friend. I tested your theory and discovered that it doesn't like nvidia chipsets either meaning your most likely right waco. I had a twenty year pc vet -phd tell me that he's seen it twice and that i should try flashing the bios to fix it. I can't seem to get that done so i guess i have to let it go but according to him both times it started with a driver install and both times re-writing the cards bios fixed it.

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Odd. You could try updating the BIOS on the card to a different manufacturer's BIOS (since you have a reference card, right?) and that could fix it. I had to flash a different BIOS on my 5970 to get it to run under water cooling since it had a cold bug...so stranger things have happened. :lol:


Otherwise I'd suggest updating your motherboard BIOS to the newest version available. I'm surprised you don't have any warranty on the card though...doesn't Sapphire usually warranty their cards for at least a year?

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Nope last I checked all the equipment they sell is covered under 3rd party warrantys. I really want to try flashing it but Ive never done it before and the poke i took at it told me that it couldn't erase the bios to write the new one. what I did was grab two images one version apart (so I could write something different so it wouldn't tell me "already installed") tried writing both, the same version obviously said "already installed" the second tole me it couldn't erase it. Quite lost but im desperate because I don't have that kind of money laying around to replace it, a friend sold it to me like 6 months ago for $180. With a newborn in the house its going to be a few months, maybe after xmas before I can. Let me tell you, once you've wandered the wastes (fallout 3 + vegas) in eyefinity you can never return.

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FIXED!!! further following our hypothesis that minor chipset differences trggered said issue I did a complete inspection of the pcb inside and out looking for anything that would hinder but not ruin it and discovered one of the micro-capacitors on the bus grounds for the card was cracked, I soldered over it to complete the circut and it worked perfectly!! I ran it thru a five our burn in and a few hours of fallout and all is well. Thanks for the help everyone. On another note it still has an eyefinity bug for me to work out but I'l get around to that :D

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