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Intel core 2 quad q9550 overclocking problem

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Hey. I am new on this site so pls bare with me .

So i have problem with overclocking my cpu. I cant ewen get it past 3.0ghz . I read alot of oc guides and try many thinks but nothing helps me.


My computer is:intel core 2 quad q9550 3.0 with zalman cnps 10x performa cooler on it

kingston value 2x2gb 800mhz ram

asus p5q turbo motherboard

LC power arkangel 850w power supply


I always get same error in prime 95:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4


i get this error on 2 of my cores at almost same time when i start the test.

I already got my core volts to 1.4V . I ewen tried to higher up my SB and NB and DRAM voltages but nothing helped me. I still got same error.

I am almost hopeless. I think i will newer be able to OC my pc. I am trying it for already 1 year.



Here are some pictures of my settings:





this are my rams:




if anyone know what could solve my problem i would be very happy


if u need anything else let me know:)


(sry for my bad english )


Have a nice day.HF

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well at stock i didnt run prime 95 but i have run it when i have oced to 3.0 and it didnt have any errors. Temp on 3.0 is arround 50 degres. I think this isnt so bad cause its pretty hoot in my country this days.I have run prime 95 on 3.0 with no errors for half hour. When i have it on 3.4 i get error after 2 seconds. Well i hope it isnt core cause its hard to get new one and this one dont have warranty anymore :S.


guys i found something strange. In everest dram voltage was on 2.3V when on a stock i should have 1.8V. I have my cpu oced to 3.0. Everything is on auto . Is it just mistake in everest or does my rams really runs under 2.3V??


here is picture:


Edited by Feel_IT

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