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Thermaltake 760 plus MUST DO MOD!

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I have configured a simple mod to the thermaltake 760 plus and the results are truly outstanding. A lot of review complained about the noise of the stolk fan, but also that the fan didnt cool the radiator. Some blamed it on the small radiator, however its not the radiator its a poor design flaw.


I have done a push-pull fan mod to the thermaltake 760 plus and the results are truly incredible, you can actually watch the cpu temperatures drop when you put the fan on high and the noise is no more.


I would like one of the reviewers to do a comparison review with this mod vs the origional review. I am not a tester with all the ambient temps etc, but I can guarantee you that this completely changes the use of the water cooling unit and makes it a DEFINATE buy!


check out how I did the mod, this is not spam!! LOL




tell me what you think and if you can pass this on to any testers I would truly love to see the actual results compared to the poor origional review it has gotten. This mod changes the unit from a sub par water cooling unit to a great open sourced water cooling unit where you can watch your temps drop significantly, cool your GPU Motherboard cpu etc!

Edited by darwing

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This is a neat idea and works off simple common sense. However the case he is using is a bit flawed for this solution and the base design flaw of the Bigwater still exists. For a liquid cooling solution to work well it needs to evacuate the warm air completely out of the case. This is a limiting factor with the Bigwater. In the case used for this video, the Antec Nine Hundred, this is made worse because his solution is blowing the war air right into the air intake for the GPU.


The priniciple he is using is very sound. I think if this was placed so it was near the top of the case so a good chimney exhaust fan could pull the air out it would work okay. However at the end of the day this mod makes no sense. There are great enclosed cooling solutions for less money that as effecitve as the Bigwater after the mod if not more so. In fact Theramltake has two such solutions themselves with their Water 2.0 lineup. For the time and effort plus the extra cost this is a no brainer. However if you have a Bigwater already then of course this makes sense to get the most out of it.

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And by 'he' you mean the OP? haha He is the one that made the video.


Regardless, ComputerEd brought up some good points. The Bigwater needs a very well ventilated case and the Antec 900 doesn't quite provide enough space for the warm air to be vented out properly. Also, I doubt you would be able to cool more than a CPU with this unit just because of its small radiator. However, I am glad you were able to get some good temps out of it!

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You could cut a hole in the bottom of the case under the unit to allow more airflow as well, that way it's pulling fresh air rather then recycled air from inside...


btw, im using the same case with a double rad up front which is barly enough for cpu/gpu with a mild oc on the cpu... (3930k @4.2ghz and gtx580). I'll be hanging a triple rad off the back as soon as a few parts come in..

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Ed - most people prefer to pull in cool air and exhaust into the case with watercooling to keep water temps to the minimum.


This kit could be modified pretty easily but a lot of people don't like chopping things up all willy Billy. If you're willing to cut stuff up the cooler is a lot more attractive. :cheers:

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