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555 BE- X3 vs X4

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I game and work on my PC equally. I have reached two different sets of maximum stable OCs with my pc, and I just wanted to know should I stick with the higher clocked X3, or the lower clocked X4? I'm just getting tired of tweaking all the time and want my PC to remain one way for the next few months.


My CPU and memory are as follows:


AMD Phenom II X2 555 BE (3.2 GHz stock)

CORSAIR XMS3 DDR3 1600 9-9-9-27-41-1T


Here are my current overclocks:



CPU Core: 4,255 MHz

HT Link: 2,530 MHz

RAM: DDR3 1840, 8-9-8-24-31-1T



CPU Core: 3,200 MHz

HT Link: 2,000 MHz

RAM: DDR3 1600 9-9-9-24-31-1T


Temperatures are fine both ways, never topping 44C on the CPU ever. I'm replacing my GPU soon, and I just don't want to mess around with overclocking for a while after I take care of that one final component.

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Just wondering , how do you know what the cpu temps are when unlocked, I find it hard to believe at 4.2 mhz your temps would be that low. On my 550 be I lose cpu temp monitoring when I unlock, and on 4 cores when I put it to 4 ghz my heat gun says it's at 68 to 72 c which is why I dont leave it there. Just wondering what you use to monitor your cpu temps.<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:rolleyes: src="http://forums.overclockersclub.com/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif">

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Just wondering , how do you know what the cpu temps are when unlocked, I find it hard to believe at 4.2 mhz your temps would be that low. On my 550 be I lose cpu temp monitoring when I unlock, and on 4 cores when I put it to 4 ghz my heat gun says it's at 68 to 72 c which is why I dont leave it there. Just wondering what you use to monitor your cpu temps.<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:rolleyes: src="http://forums.overclockersclub.com/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif">


Motherboard: ASUS M4A88TV-EVO USB3.0, has a built in temperature sensor on the motherboard right under the CPU. Only reading I can get with the core unlocked. Since there's no other way for me to measure my temps, I just go by what it reads. AI Suite II is the monitoring program I use, as it was supplied with the motherboard.


I do have reasonable cooling installed, including all case fans replaced with aftermarket fans, Hyper 212 Plus (push/pull) and AS-5 on every chipset, plus a modular PSU to reduce wire clutter.


--Edit: It may just be my case (Rosewill Challenger) but I found that removing my side intake fan (over GPU) actually lowered my max CPU temps by 2C. Maybe it's just interrupting the airflow from front to back. But my GPU runs hot as heck either way, so I ended up removing it (though I throw it in for show occasionally, just for the extra LEDs in pictures.)


And thank you as well, Waco. I'd +1 you, but it says I've reached my limit lol. I'll have to do it another day. You've been helpful on two of my posts this week, really appreciate the input :)

Edited by dragonsdontfly

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Hey , glad it's working for you, I have the same case, really like it for the price, your cpu must be a good oc'er. What Waco said is right on, you'll get much better performance at 4.2 mhz x3 than 3.2 x4. Hope the new gpu works out for you.

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