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So I am getting my tax return soon. I want to upgrade board and processor in the main rig in my signature. First question is: Is it even worth it to do so at this point? I am concerned with the age of the parts more than not doing what it needs to. Second question would be if I do it what should I get? I will need a MB, CPU and cooler. Everything else in my system is pretty new and can be moved over.


I haven't been keeping up on my processor tech info at all. I know that many feel new AMD chips are not very good. User and tech reviews last I checked. I am not a big fan of AMD anything so no biggie. This 3930K seems kind of expensive for a 6 core.


Just wait until Intel releases again?

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I'd put the money towards a second GPU (if you game a lot) if anything. Your CPU is still more than fast enough for today's games. :cheers:


Unfortunately it is crossfire only. I had thought about it since gaming is all this system does. Thats another reason I am looking to upgrade to an SLI board.

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