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Kingston HyperX 1600

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I bought 16 GB of kingston hyper x 1600 RAM. I've read a ton of reviews for all kinds of RAM, and the general consensus says that this brand of RAM is the best and biggest bang for the buck and it is very good quality memory.


I read that you will most likely have to go into the BIOS and set it to 1600 mhz from 1333. Well, ok. I've never done anything like that in the bios before, so I went looking around and I found the area where I make that setting change. I changed the setting to 1600. Now, is this all I have to do? Do I have to adjust ANY other settings (like the voltage or timing)? I have the EVGA Z68 FTW Motherboard.




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The voltage and timings should be at whatever the recommended setting is for your RAM. It usually varies, but it should say on the package what it should be set at. You could always tweak the timings a bit if you want to lower them, but from my experience I haven't noticed any real change by tweaking memory timings. You could also tweak the voltage if you want; mine is set at 1.625V, but the recommended is 1.65V. You could go a bit higher on your voltage if you want to overclock it, but it might not be necessary. Generally you want to keep the voltage as low as you can in order for it to be stable.

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