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Antec 300 Air Cooling


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Hey guys,


I am working with an individual who has an Antec 300 at their office. They place the computer into an enclose area except for the front - unideal I know but as it's their office they will do as they choose even if I tell them it may not be in their best interests. The computer case currently has one fan in the back and one fan up top, both are 120 and for exhaust. The individual does not have a high-tech setup however there has been some issues with it locking up that I believe is from over heating. Would it be best to place two 120mm in the front for intake, or one intake in front and one 120 on the side for intake even though the sides are enclosed and may not be optimal.


I wish to get a better airflow towards the CPU even if they are unwilling to move the case. I realize that the side may be the best option but with it being enclosed except for the front would it be best advised to place it there?

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Put the dual 120 in the front. The open area at the front will mean more cool air intake. You need to make sure there is some way for the exhausted heat to escape the area or it will just build a nice bublle around the system.

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