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Microsoft 0wn3d Me, Today.


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I rebooted my system to adjust a setting in my bios, and when windows started loading back up, I got an error :/


Said something like your /system32/system/config/system file is corrupt or missing..


So I booted in to the Windows Recover Console.


I copied the backup file at /system/repair/system to /system32/system/config/system and then rebooted.


Windows came up and re-detected some of my hardware and then asked to reboot..so I did.


This time I got a BSOD saying 0x000007E blah blah STOP acpci.sys or something..


So I said screw it. I install a fresh copy of XP on a new hard drive, and copied all my settings from my old drive to the new one.


Finally back up.



So what did you do today? :D

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I'm ready for him this time though :)


I made to partitions on my main hard drive.

The first partition, C: is 3Gb. I will only have Windows XP OS on this partition. The other partition is D: and it is about 56GB. This partition is where I will install Program Files and Games.


I will then have backups of C:\ monthly. Plus the system restore point's :)


I also formatted the drive in Fat32. Why? Because Fat32 can be accessed from dos, which makes things a lot easier when having problems with windows. Keeps you from going in to Windows XP Recover Console, sometimes. Also, I hardly used any of the security options that NTFS offered, because I use PGP for encryption.

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I'm almost tempted to go out and buy drive image 2002, and image my "C:\" to a few CDs every other month or so... that way when they flip my switch at Redmond, all I have to do is reimage my HD from the CDs.... been looking into it, and looks to be much easier that backup/restore...


Though, I blow my system away so much, what's the point? :/

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I got pretty much the same error with corrupted files not too long ago...


Making restore points won't help you if you have corrupted files, you will never get to that.. tried it myself.


Now, if you install programs on another partition, will they still work if you reinstall windows and you don't reinstall the programs? I don't think so.. or do they? You would need to save the registry in the same time i guess...

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Most programs won't work. Almost all games will work fine though (you may have to enter in CD keys again).


All programs I download I will keep on the Program files hard drive in a folder called Restore. Then what ever programs dont work after reinstalling windows, I'll just reinstall them, and most all of my saved settings in each program should remain. In theory ofcourse :)

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I had a problem similar to yours. My sound card wasn't working properly, so I thought if I reinstalled the drivers it would make everything better, so I deleted the drivers and restarted my computer. But for some wierd reason my computer just kept restarting itself the minute it got into XP. Then I took out the sound card and everything worked just fine. I checked my comp and apparently some files system files were missing, which was what was causing my rebooting problem. I reformated just like you and thankfully everything works okay, but it sucked hard.

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